Favorite things Jacob says aka "Jakeyisms"
- ice ca-leem (ice cream)
- lawn mow-ner (lawn mower)
- no paw-bla-lem (no problem)
- mama fix it
- super cool
- totally rad
- awe-some-a
- sa-lam dunk!
- you kiddin me? i tough! (Brian taught these to him at the same time so he always says them together!)
- it's aw-kay (usually to his sister)
- sings "Jenna Boo" to the tune of Jingle Bells
- sings along to all of the songs on his favorite Baby Praise CD, especially "Joyful ful ful"
Favorite things Jacob does/did
- "squeeze tight" when hugging
- "more, more, more" for 3 more kisses
- kissed my belly all the time when I was pregnant, then after I had Jenna he never kissed it again even though it was still really fat!
- reached up to hold my hand when he wasn't sure about something (like walking up/down stairs or when in an unfamiliar place)
- fake laugh at Jenna to make her laugh when then makes him laugh (a real laugh)
- checks on Jenna when she's sleeping and sometimes brings her a blanket
- brings anyone willing a book then plops down in their lap
- laughs hysterically at the dogs; also sits on them if they sit still long enough
- spins around on his back like a break dancer in the bathtub
Favorite toys
- lawn mower, sand box, swing set
- police cars/fire trucks/diggers
- crayons
- anything that makes noise
- trampoline
- basket ball hoop
- books, books, books, and more books (thank goodness for Mimi!)
Favorite Moments from 2008
- seeing Jenna for the first time...boy was I shocked to see such a big baby!
- watching Jacob run, run, and run some more at the beach
- watching Brian change before my eyes when he became the daddy of a GIRL
- watching Jacob grow up...I think he has changed more this year than ever before
Favorite present
- the charm bracelet Brian got me for Christmas with a little girl and little boy charm. Then for my birthday he added an "I love You" charm! Unless you count the gift of a beautiful baby girl that is.
I was going to post a few of my favorite pictures but seriously people, how can I narrow it down? I tried, but failed so if you want to see my favorite pictures you'll have to check dropshots yourself because there are WAY too many. In fact, my computer told me just today that I am just about out of free space. I am going to have to spend my birthday money on an external hard drive to put all the pictures on!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! May this year be the best one yet!
p.s. The new background is for my sweet Jacob. He still sleeps with his "bumble bee lovey" and paci but they paci's seem to be disappearing. Hummm.