Sunday, December 28, 2008


We had such a fun Christmas this year. Last year I was miserable (pregnant but didn't know it yet!) and the year before that we were really poor after having Jacob so this year was really nice. Jacob had so much fun opening presents and playing with all his new stuff.

Brian's sister and her hubby stayed for a few days. Jacob loves playing his aunt and uncle and Jenna got tons of attention of course. We even got to got out to dinner with them one night without the kids!

I am attempting to start some Christmas traditions so here's what I've got so far:

  1. Christmas morning is for us only. You know, just me, Brian, and the kids. It keeps things a little calmer and we're able to focus on each other and not be distracted by company etc.
  2. Home made cinnamon rolls! I am going to look for an easier recipe though. 3 hrs is a long time to wait for breakfast!
  3. A birthday cake for Jesus. Our friends Sara and Robert (from church) came over for dinner on Christmas and Sara brought a little cake and sprinkles for Jacob to decorate. It was a birthday cake for Jesus. She even brought a candle and we sang "Happy Birthday." I thought it was such a good idea and a fun, easy way to keep Him the focus!
  4. Jacob gets a snow globe every year and Jenna gets an angel.

I hope to come up with more next year. Let me know if you have any good ideas!

Jenna was fascinated by her new toy

A happy girl on Christmas day!
Here's a funny story from Christmas morning. Jacob had been playing with the tin my watch came in. Brian soon realized that the watch was missing so we started looking for it and asking Jacob where it was. We looked and looked. I went through the trash, looked in all the bags and boxes and still no watch. We finally gave up and figured it would show up eventually when Brian exclaimed "NO WAY!" I ran over and immediately saw my watch hanging on a bottle branch of the Christmas tree. Sweet Jacob thought it was an ornament and hung it back on the tree! He's so innocent. Gotta love that.


Elisha said...

I loved reading this entry. So cute!! That painting of your mom and Jenna is awesome. What a thoughtful gift!

Jacob putting your watch on the tree is too sweet.

I love all the traditions you have thought of so far.

Marla said...

Robert and I are with you. We do not travel on Christmas day and it's just us!!