Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Things I Keep Forgetting to Blog

Jenna has been sleeping in her room for the past several nights. Here's how it went when Brian came home and noticed she wasn't in her pack-and-play:
Brian "Where's Jenna?"
Hannah "In her room."
Brian "WHAT? She's too little for that! You can't do that!"
Hannah "Well I already did and she loves it."
To that he darted off to make sure she was ok. He found her sound asleep in her big crib, snug as a bug!

Jacob learned the song "Brother John" yesterday. I was singing it to him during a breathing treatment and to my surprise, he started singing it back! He sings it like this:
Are you seeping, Are you seeping
Brudder John, Brudder John
Ringing, ringing
Ding Dang Dong
Ding Dang Dong

He has also replace Sesame Street with Jack's Big Music Show during the 8:00 hour. He doesn't watch anything for more than 5-10 minutes but he sure loves it when they sing one of those really silly songs. He dances and spins around. He calls it "Jack Muenicks Show."

One more thing. I just found out my Grandmother's demenia is really bad. She had an appt with her neurologist today and couldn't remember any of the 5 objections they told her after 5 minutes. They don't want her driving (she only drives to church and the senior center) and I think they're going to start looking for a new place for her to live. My dad is taking it really hard.

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