Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Part 2

Here's Jacob blowing out Jesus' birthday cake.
The Alcorn gang: Hannah, Brian, Jan (Brian's mom) holding Jenna, Heather (Brian's sis) holding Jacob, and her hubby Doug.
So my dad got really creative this year when it came to a gift for my mom. He has been painting for the past several years (and has gotten really good). He takes lessons on Saturday afternoons. He had taken this picture of my mom holding Jenna to class and told his teacher he was going to paint it for my mom for Christmas. His teacher responded with "Paul, you stink at portraits! Let me paint it." So he did. He paid her a nominal fee and she painted it for him. He has had it hidden in the house all month. Everyone had seen it but her. While she was working in the kitchen, he snuck it up on the wall but didn't tell her. She came out of the kitchen once and didn't notice but the second time she came out, her jaw dropped. I wished I had my camera ready, it was great! This is her admiring it.
Posted by PicasaThe Wilford clan: Frankie (my mom) holding Jenna, me holding Tito, Grandma (my dad's mom), Brian with Jacob, and Paul (my dad).
We had Christmas at my parent's house Saturday. We had a big lunch and discovered that Jacob LOVES pumpkin pie. That was my favorite dessert as a kid. I would ask for it for my birthday and my Aunt Cheryl would make me a bunch of tiny little pies. Speaking of my birthday, it's only 2 days away!


Sarah said...

Looks like a WONDERFUL Christmas! I love the picture of your mom & Jenna. What a thoughtful Daddy you have!

Happy (early) Birthday!!!! I hope that you have a great one!

Melissa said...

Looks like you guys had a grand time this year. How fun!! Hope you have a wonderful new year too! Love you guys very much!