Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jenna's Hair & Jacob's Cough

This is Jenna's "fro" as we call it! Her hair is really curly when it's wet. So cute! When it dries, it is straight but very poofy. I'm not sure what that means for her future hair-do's.

Jenna is doing great. She took a nap in her crib today for the first time. I'm not sure that I'm ready for her to sleep in her room at night. I'm such a wimp. I'll be ready soon. It'll be sooner that the 8 months Jacob stayed in our room.

Jacob is sick again. Or should I say still? I think it's the same stuff he had 2 weeks ago that never really got bad. Well, now it's bad. Cough non-stop, tons of snot. I started him on an antibiotic Thursday. I still had the rx from 2 weeks ago...By the time his culture results came back he was symptom free so we never started it.

Last night marked 1 week of him sleeping in his toddler bed! This is HUGE. I lay with him at night until he falls asleep. Hopefully I can stop doing this soon. Nap time is a big struggle. In fact, he has only really taken one nap in the past week because he won't stay in his bed. And that nap was on a day Mimi was here while I was at work. Why do they cooperate for grandparents so well? He did fall asleep on his own today in his bed but after 40 minutes, he coughed so much it woke him up : (

He had been doing really well with potty training too, but since getting sick he hasn't wanted to go in the potty so much. No big deal. I'm sure he'll tell me once again when he is ready.

Brian got some of the Christmas decorations down from the attic before he left for work. Yea! I love Christmas SO MUCH. It makes up for my dislike of Thanksgiving! Jacob had so much fun at my parents house playing with their Christmas stuff. We went over to celebrate my dad's birthday. I made him a carrot cake and put a "55" in sprinkles on the top. I cut out a stencil and everything and guess what my dad did...he defaced my cake! He turned the first 5 into a 3!

I'm really starting to miss church. I doubt we'll be able to go tomorrow unless Jacob is healed over night. My poor guy. It brings me to tears to see him sick. I'm so glad I'm a pedi nurse. I feel like I at least can do everything possible to get him better. And he is lots better, but still not well. He's gotten to know lots of new cartoons while doing breathing treatments. He loves Barney, Dora, Diego, and Wonder Pets in addition to his favorite Lazy Town. Too much TV time! He'd better not get too used to it!

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Sarah said...

I LOVE Jenna's curly hair! Great hair and lashes - what a lucky girl!

I'm so sorry that Jacob is sick. I love this time of year because of all of the Christmas celebrations, but hate that it always brings sickness. This has traditionally been Clayton's worst time of year. Hopefully, Jacob will be on the mend very soon!

PS Loved your comment about Drew's cheeks. :) I promise that I am only feeding him breastmilk. Nothing else. He's a chunk, though! I'm hoping that I can keep up with him.

Melissa said...

Oh, I was wondering what happen to you tonight, I'm sorry Jacob is feeling bad. We missed you all. If you need anything, let me know. Love you.

Marla said...

I moved Emma's bassinett to her room this week and she's been sleeping in there but not in her crib yet. I used to have to lay down with Kolton too. Jacob will outgrow it.