Sunday, November 30, 2008


I guess I should give a quick uncle had a cardiac cath last Monday. They put in 2 stints, then sent him home the next day. He is doing well but this has disqualified him from using the experimental treatment for his cancer. There MIGHT be one last option. They will find out this week if there is one last protocol to try at MD Anderson (cancer hospital).

Thanksgiving wasn't all that bad. Ok, so it wasn't great either. We had steaks etc. I made the most yummiest cake that night. It was a pumpkin pound cake with a white chocolate cream cheese filling and a maple glaze. It sounds gross but is was so good! I was just happy to be with my hubby and precious kids. They make me so happy ; )

The potty training saga continues. I won't bore you with 1 million stories from this week. If I told you all the times Jacob stripped down and peed in my house you might never step foot through my front door again! Actually, he mainly only pees in the crib and outside. I have banned him from the crib. This is his second night to be in his big boy bed.

I tried his crib for nap time today and he stripped and peed in it AGAIN for the 10 millionth time this week. He pottied 3 times before laying down. We tried to lay down in his bed first but he wouldn't stay (at night I lay with him until he falls asleep) and Jenna was awake so that's why I put him in the crib. Never again. If he won't stay in his bed then he doesn't get a nap. Oh well. That just means he'll fall asleep faster at night. I'm not sure if it's a reward or punishment for him to miss his nap.
One quick funny story...on Friday night we had put Jacob to bed in his crib then gone downstairs to watch TV. We heard him talking and giggling but nothing major, and it was quiet within 20 minutes or so so we figured he was asleep. A little while later, we went upstairs to get ready for bed. I went in to check on Jacob and ran out of the room hysterical...laughing. I seriously almost peed my pants. Jacob was asleep in the crib as I suspected, laying on his stomach as usual with his lovey over his head, only he was NAKED! His diaper and zip-up footed jammies were laying there beside him! He hardly even stirred when we picked him up to dress him! Oh ya, did I mention he strips even when I put a belt on his pants as tight as I can. Oh, and he can get his diaper off even if he has on a onesie too. He's such a mess!

Jenna and I continue to fight this cold thing Jacob gave us. Brian has had a touch of it too. I have been so tired! I have napped every day for the past 3 days! Once Brian gets up I run up to bed. I have GOT to go to the store tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have a little more energy.


Melissa said...

I hope you all feel better real soon. We missed you yesterday at ABF and Church. Love to you, and thanks for the medicine tips. I'm doing mucho better.

Marla said...

Jacob cracks me up. My question is who strips in front of Jacob for him to copy that behavior?! JK.

Anonymous said...

We have to put timothy in a onesie under his clothes. That way when the "stripper" comes out, he is stopped right there! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.