Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I'm not usually one to brag, I leave that to Brian (sorry honey but you know it's true!) but I feel that it's ok to brag in my blog, and I have lots to brag about.

First off, I have cooked three meals this week. Whoop-tee-do you say? I just don't cook real meals that much. And when I do cook it's always the same old spaghetti or chicken enchiladas or whatever. I am so tired of turkey sandwiches and chicken nuggets. So, this week I cooked taco soup, a cheese ravioli bake, and ranchero pork in the crock pot. And I have a special meal I'm going to prepare for my darling husband on Friday. Oh, and Brian liked the first two meals a lot, but he hasn't tried the pork yet. I'm so proud of myself!

Next up: Jacob. He amazes me everyday. I am constantly asking him "where did you learn that?" The past month or so he's begun to really speak in sentence. It's so cute. He brings me books and says "mama read" or "go outside" or "what is it?". He says longer things too I just can't think of anything right now. Last night I was eating a brownie and gave him a tiny pinch of a bite. He ate it then said "Jacob big" ....he wanted the big brownie! That's my boy! He's very into identifying everything he sees. He'll tell you what it is, what color it is, where it came from, etc. It's fun to just walk around the house with him and listen to everything he says. Oh and one more funny story. Yesterday I was putting his hot dog in the microwave to cook and he said "zap it!" Isn't that cute? I swear they store everything they have EVER heard in their brains and it just sits there until they start talking!

Now for my sweet baby girl. Jenna has been sleeping 8-9 hours at night. I know this is somewhat normal for many babies but being that Jacob was at least 9 months before that happened, I consider it a miracle! God does listen even to our selfish pleas! Jacob really enjoys showing her all his old baby toys. She has been enjoying his old play mat. It has a ball that hangs down that you kick. She's quite a kicker already. And once in a while she will bat at the little hanging fish too.

I don't have anything specific to brag about for Brian. He's been doing a great job being my "trainer" getting me back in shape. He also does a great job with the kids on daddy day (every Thursday or Friday when I'm at work).

Now for some random thoughts. First off, what's up with Lupe Valdez's (Dallas Co Sheriff) eyebrows? It looks like she drew them on with a black sharpie. Weird. Next, I want to give two thumbs up for both of the Presidential candidate's speeches last night. I thought they were both great. I know that God will use Obama to do great things for our country, even if his values aren't the same as mine.


Sarah said...

Bragging is totally allowed in the blogosphere! Sounds like your two cute kiddos are bringing you lots of joy. :) And... props to you for cooking three yummy meals - that sounds like quite a feat to me. I can always use new recipes (hint, hint!).

Marla said...

I just love your kids! Watch what you say about never know when Jacob may repeat it!!! Lupe, Lupe, Lupe...bless her heart. My dad didn't care who won as long as his check hits the bank! I know what you mean about cooking......