Monday, November 17, 2008

Dress Up

One of the differences between girls and boys: when Jenna has a blow-out and needs an outfit change I see it as an opportunity to play dress-up! She got this little dress as a hand-me-down from one of my mom's clients. I thought it was SO CUTE and have been patiently waiting for a warm day so she could wear it!

We haven't been up to too much around here. Friday night our friends the Watsons came over with BBQ and the Wii. I rocked it at golf! Well, sort of. Baby Emma is so precious. I could have held her all night! I think she's 6 weeks old and still 2 lbs less than Jenna was at birth!

The ladies breakfast (church ladies that is) was fun Saturday morning. IHOP was so yummy and it was nice to finally get to go...usually ladies night out is on Monday nights; Brian is at work so I never get to go. Now we're going to do a Saturday morning once per quarter. It was obviously popular. I think we had 20 people show up!

After breakfast I got to go shopping. My mother in law gave me $$$ to go buy the kids some clothes. It was SO FUN! She had a 20% off coupon for Carters (my FAVORITE store). I went nuts. They were having a big sale. I got a ton of stuff! Plus, I got another 20% off coupon and when checking out they told me the ENTIRE store will be 50% off the week after Thanksgiving AND you can use the 20% off. Sounds dangerous!

We've been going on lots of walks. I'm trying to shed some pounds. I don't seem to be getting anywhere but the walks are nice. Jacob loves to go feed the ducks. I think I'm going to start looking on Craigs List for a double jogging stroller. Our double stroller is ok but I walk pretty fast and it's a bit hard to maneuver.

Jenna is a giggle box - only giggles at Brian of course. She's very chatty these days too. Jacob is loving the cooler weather. Here is him playing with his new tricycle (another hand-me-down). He likes riding down the tiny slope at the side of the house into the fence. I guess crashing is fun when you're 2.

Work is starting to pick up. We are so much slower than this time of year a few years ago. I think it's because we dropped so many insurances but that's a different story. I'm going to go play with my baby girl now until Jacob wakes up from his nap.

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Marla said...

Too cute! I love Carter's too! Don't buy a jogger double stroller. I have the double cart for my bike that converts to the stroller. You can use it until next spring if you want to.

Jenn said...

Aww, Jenna looks beautiful in that outfit! I'm glad you get to play dress up, it's so fun!!

Melissa said...

What beautiful kiddos you have! FUn days ahead in a good way. I would give anything to be at home with my kids when they are young like that, just one more time. I miss it. (Baby fever talking, yes, but really I do miss it.)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and the whole poop story. I sure thought the streaker was only going on here! You have a great blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh and carter's is my favorite store too!