Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Showers & Shaving

Well, I got one leg shaved this morning. Jacob climbed on top of the laundry hamper, then on top of the bathroom counter and found a baggy of vitamins so up, out of the bath I came. I'm just glad I still can shave and tie my shoes and all that! Maybe tomorrow I'll get the other one shaved!

This is him climbing up his fort.

I had my weekly check-up yesterday. All is good; Amy estimated Jenna to weigh around 7lbs right now. She stressed that it was JUST A GUESS but w/ 2 weeks to go, I hope she doesn't get much bigger!

Sunday was my baby shower from the church girls. It was really fun. We played games and the cake was so cute and yummy! I love all my church girls; they are so awesome - more like family than friends!

Me at my shower from the girls at church. I love you MRBC girls! Don't you just love these baskets? Thanks Deneese!

My shower at work was a few weeks ago. It was fun too. We got lots of super cute outfits at that shower and lots of size 2 diapers!?! Don't know why size 2; I guess everyone was thinking they're little for such a short amount of time...

Me at my work shower.

One cute thing J has been doing this week: he's humming along to the different songs that his toys play. He went from silence to humming 50 different songs. Kids are so strange. It's like when he decided to let me know that he knew his colors. He went from knowing none to knowing all of them!

Aunt Heather was in town last week for work so we had dinner w/ her one night. Jacob LOVES her so it's always a treat when he gets to see her.


Melissa said...

So glad your shower was fun. I'll be seeing you soon. Love ya!

Elisha said...

I love the shower pictures.

Are you proud of me for all the posts this week? :)