Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

So...I have loved reading all of my friend's blog so much I decided it was time to start my own. I hope I am not setting anyone up for disappointment...I'm NOT a journaler at all! I tried to start a journal when I found out I was pregnant w/ #2...I lasted a week or two. It is funny to look back; all I did was beg God for the nausea and vomiting to stop! It did eventually...thank goodness you can't have your tubes tied while you are pregnant!

Today is July 4th. When you are a nurse and your husband is a police officer, holidays just aren't the same. Someone is always working but we try to make the most of it. I am watching fireworks out the window while Jacob sleeps and Brian works. At least Brian is off Thanksgiving AND Christmas this year (they just happened to fall on his off days!)

The only thing exciting we did today is register at Target for baby. I thought it was fun. Brian thought it was torture. Never the less, it got done. I hope to buy paint for baby's room tomorrow. Will let you know what we decide on!


For Mothers said...

You are inspiring me to get started back with my blog. I love to journal, but find that putting things out for the public is a totally different way of "marking the time" than the private journalling I've done since age 8! But what a great time to share your life with us...Jacob so cute and baby girl on the way! I'll get something up new on my blog soon!

The Langfords said...

You lucky dog...Waylan is working Christmas this year...for the 2nd year in a row!! :-( I totally understand the holiday thing. Same thing married to a firefighter. He also worked on the 4th and I watched fireworks from the house as well. I should have called you...LOL

Marla said...

Your blogging now!! Whoo hoo!! Robert actually wanted to go register with me. He likes the gun...said he feels like Brian w/a radar gun......