Monday, July 14, 2008

Jenna and Jacob Update

First, a quick potty update. We have peed in the potty before bath 3 nights in a row! I still haven't really started "training" - am waiting another week until I'm off for several days in a row.

Anyways, tonight was a bit more challenging. He did pee, then got in the tub and started pooping. To make a long story short we went back and forth from the tub to the potty several times. In the end he pooped twice in the tub, twice on the bath mat between the tub and potty and 3 times in the potty. What can I say, Nana brought over lots of fruit from the farmers market last night and Jacob was FULL of **IT! I'm still proud of him.

Sunday night was the variety show and auction for our children's ministry. It's always fun. I baked a carrot cake to be auctioned - I hear it was a popular item! Thanks Jennifer for the kudos!

I had my home visit with one of the midwives today. It went well. Baby Jenna seems to be doing great. We talked a little about what to expect...Jacob came so fast odds are this one will too. Becky (the midwife that came) said Amy (my "normal midwife"...she delivered Jacob) is planning on attending my birth : ) This made me super happy because I love Amy but who knows if she'll be on call when I go into labor. She wasn't my "normal" midwife when I had Jacob but God had it all worked out. I have continued to pray this time around that I go into labor when the "right" midwife is on call etc. Now I don't have to worry too much about that 'cause Amy's coming no matter what!

I'm still working on her room. There's not much else I can do by myself. The rest is more muscle work. Once the donation people come this weekend to pick up the ROOM FULL OF STUFF I have gathered, we'll be able to get the rest of the furniture out of her room and paint.

A friend from church gave me a bunch of maternity clothes today. I am so grateful...I was down to 2 pairs of shorts and a few shirts. I'm huge, let's face it. So thank you Tammy - I really really am grateful!


Marla said...

Josh pooped in the tub once and it totally grossed me out. Robert had to deal with it.

Elisha said...

I can't wait to see some pictures of her finished room.

Melissa said...

We just got back from vacation yesterday, and I see that you are blogging now. Fun, huh? Welcome!!