Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Caller ID, Swimming, Potty

The Verizon man came today. I must forewarn everyone that we are now in the 21st century. I know we're a few years late but we now have caller ID (AND call waiting)!!!! So I can totally screen calls now. That is so exciting! I did it before by just not answering if I didn't feel like it but if the person didn't leave a message, that was annoying. Now I can see who called! We also have super duper internet so hopefully I'll be able to download more pics faster.

We had mommy and me Bible study this morning. Jacob found a second spot he can escape the church playground. Always good to know. It was really HOT, even though it was 9am, in the shade! Still glad I went. Ione is a great "leader" even though she says she's not leading she's just organizing. Whatever!

We also went swimming at Marla's neighborhood pool w/ her and the boys plus Melissa and the girls. It was fun even though Jacob didn't want to swim (all he wants to do is run). We lasted 30-40 minutes. It was good to hand with friends, if only for a little while.

I have my check-up tomorrow. I'm sure it will be same-ole-same-ole. I have decided to do cheap "belly pictures." We spent a small fortune when I was pregnant w/ Jacob but I LOVE them so I didn't want to totally skip them this time. We will go to JCPenney's and get some simple cheap pics done next week.

We tried potty training yesterday morning. I lasted an hour. Two pees on the floor and I was done. He seems to be better at knowing when he has to poop than pee. Although he did go when I randomly put him on the potty a few times today. Maybe I will try pull-ups. I've heard they don't work b/c the kids can't feel it when they go but Jacob didn't seem to mind soaking wet undies like he was supposed to so I think pull-ups are a good option.


Sarah said...

It seems like Jacob is still kinda little to be potty training, right? I did the same thing with Clayton, though. I tried and tried and tried for months. Finally, one day he just got it. I must say that it is heavenly once they get it figured out.

One of my friends told me to put underwear on him first and then the pull-up. That way he would feel when he was wet, but it didn't make a mess. :)

Marla said...

Josh was almost 3 1/2 before I got that boy potty trained!!! Hopefully Jacob will be faster than that!

Melissa said...

Jacob is totally precious!!!! Glad to visit with you yesterday. You look wonderful!!

Jenn said...

Another place to get those pictures at a decent price is Kiddie Kandids (inside Babies 'R Us). You also get the pics the same day, so that's fun too!