Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monkey Boy

Jacob coloring...this is his super cheesy smile.

Jacob in the dryer...another first this week!

Jacob has been a real monkey today. First of all, he is now able to open the doors. We have GOT to go to WalMart and get some of those door knob thingies. Anyways, we spent the morning outside. I bathed the dogs while he played with the hose. When Brian got up, we were off to wash my car. Then it was donuts (a BIG treat for Jacob) and playtime. It must have been the sugar b/c this kid was climbing everything!

First it was up the guest bed to jump. Not a first but he does it with no effort these days. Then, I found him standing on the seat of the exercise bike. Ok, guess he figured out how to climb up it. A few minutes later I found him on OUR BED. For those of you that have been to our house, you know our bedroom furniture is HUGE. Our bed comes up to above my belly button. I think he used the bedside table to scale up enough to get his feet on the side rails. The monkey! Then, when I was in the bath he hurled himself over the side of the tub (a garden tub). I barely caught him...I was rinsing my face at the time. I had to hurry and get out because he had scaled the laundry hamper (it's wicker) and was standing on top of it!

He has also been very into coloring this week. I have no idea where he got the idea. We've tried in the past and he's had no interest. Jolene had some colors; maybe that's where he got the idea. Anyways, all week he's asked for "colors" and he has made some lovely pictures. I'm going to see how fast this new internet is now at posting pictures!


Sarah said...

Welcome to toddlerhood, my friend! Enjoy it - he's only going to be little once. When our boys are teenagers, we are going to look back on this season of our lives and wish that we could go back. (That's what I tell myself, at least.) :)

That's great that Jacob likes to color. Clayton never really enjoyed coloring and his fine motor skills aren't that great. I wish that I would have pushed the crayons a little more - maybe it would have helped. Have a good week!

Marla said...

And he's not even 2 yet!!!! Wait until you find him on top of your fridge!! And what were you doing bathing the dogs??!!

Jenn said...

Aren't boys fun?!!!

Sorry I missed your baby shower today. I didn't know about it until it was too late. I hope it was a good one!