Sunday, July 6, 2008

Just Another Day

Not much exciting happened today. I was in the nursery helping all morning at church. It was fun to be in there with Jacob. It makes me appreciate what a great kid he is!

Jacob walked up 4 stairs today. He usually climbs up them or holds on to the rails but earlier he just started walked straight up them with his hands up in the air! He's so little, I don't know how his short legs did it but they did!

We also read his new "I'm a Big Brother" book about 20 times today. Thanks mom and Thalia for all the "new baby" books. He loves them all. He is also very into "Goodnight Moon" right now. I think we read it 4 or 5 times today.

I'm looking forward to spending the next 2 days with Brian. It's rare that we're off together for 2 days in one week!


Jenn said...

Thanks so much for working in the nursery today. You were a HUGE help and I really appreciate you!!

Elisha said...

I'm so glad you're blogging.
