Monday, January 5, 2009

Mama Ah-Corn

Not too much new going on here. I've been working with Jacob the past few weeks on every one's name. He's known his name (first and last) for a while so I thought he should know me and Brian's first names. While this was a confusing concept at first (Duh! Our names are Mama and Dada!) he finally gets it. Now, when you ask him what Mama's name is, he doesn't say Mama Ah-Corn like he used to. He says Henn-nuH Ah-Corn. And Dada's name is BrI-yen Ah-Corn.

Jenna cries if I walk out of the room. I think it's too cute. She loves her bouncer and is fascinated by any and all toys. She also loves the cold teethers (the kind you put in the fridge). She got blinds and curtains with her Christmas money so her room is totally done, well except for a rug. I did NOT enjoy loading $250 in groceries into my car in the POURING FREEZING rain today. But, we finally have food. Jacob had been out of his normal juice and milk for 3 days. Poor baby. We've just been busy but I promise he has not starved.

My birthday was great, even though Brian had to work. We had a fabulous lunch at Red Lobster thanks to my awesome sis-in-law. So yummy! I baked myself a cake which Jacob LOVED (more cake! more cake!) and Brian got home right at 11 so we got to watch all the NY ball dropping stuff.

New Year's Day we spent with our friends the Reeds in Sulpher Springs. We got to meet baby Jessica and Jacob and Jolene had so much fun playing together. They were so sweet, hugging and playing and talking.

I bought a new hard drive for my computer. Apparently 3100 pictures takes up a lot of memory! LOL! But the good news is I don't have to slow down on the picture-taking 'cause now I have plenty of room!


Sarah said...

Mama Ah-Corn - Love it! That Jacob, he's a funny one...

Glad that you had a good birthday!!!

I am sooo paranoid about losing all of my pictures of my kids. I burn CDs (two sets - one for our house and one to leave at my in-laws in case our house burns down), save them on an external hard drive, and download them onto the Walgreens website. But, I still can't bear to delete them from my computer. Isn't that ridiculous?!?! My computer is getting slower, though, so I should probably just bite the bullet and delete them. :)

Glad to hear that Jacob slept in the closet too. Seems like he turned out okay, right? LOL!

Marla said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! You share the day with our dog Pebbles...seriously! We need to go celebrate our birthdays together this weekend!!

cmchrisk said...

I love the mama Ah-Corn. It is so neat when they start to make sense! I see you just had a birthday! Happy belated Birthday!