Saturday, January 24, 2009


Jacob has a new hero...BATMAN! The song is much easier and he's a pro at it.

Jenna woke up from her nap yesterday with a fever : ( She has a little bit of clear boogies. I'm praying (HARD) that its' NOT RSV. Today she's doing good. Still a little fever but not as high as yesterday. I'm actually thinking it's teething, 'cause this is exactly what Jacob did when he was teething. We shall see.

I put her new high chair together (thanks Marla! I love it!) so we can start rice cereal soon. She has shown no interest in food so I've been waiting. She still isn't interested in food but she is grabbing at cups so I figured that counts!

I have so many projects going on it's not even funny. Here are a few:
  1. I'm taking tutorials on line to learn how to use my fancy pants camera
  2. I slurped my blog entries from 2008 and am making a "book"
  3. Still working on that darn quilt I started years ago
  4. Download songs onto my new ipod
  5. Trying to clean up the guest room/scrap room so I can get back to scrappin
  6. Am really wanting to paint the now playroom (formally the formal living room). Also really wanting to paint our bedroom which has never been painted (it's boring white).

Guess I'd better go get to work!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow, you are one busy Mama! My project list goes a little something like this...

1. feed the children
2. change Drew's diapers
3. keep Clayton entertained

If there is any spare time in there, I would add 4. take a shower and 5. clean my house. HA! Maybe one day I'll figure out how to juggle two a little better. :)