Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tri Pony

My grandma and Jenna. Grandma is moving to an assisted living facility on Saturday. She is very excited. Her and Jenna were making silly faces at each other.
This is how Brian feeds Jenna. She kept grabbing at the bowl so he just let her! Needless to say, she really likes cereal. I got video last night of her grabbing the spoon and feeding herself. I am baffled by it. Jacob never liked cereal so I guess I didn't expect her to. Oh, and I'm mixing the cereal with formula 'cause I don't have enough breast milk frozen to mix it with. So, this is her first time getting formula (it's only 1 oz!).
I call this picture "toddler tantrum." Jacob didn't want to take a nap so he threw both his blankets, both pillows, both loveys, and his paci down the stairs. Shall we say he is strong willed?
How many pony's does it take to contain Jennas's hair? 3 plus a clip.
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Sarah said...

Baby Girl is crackin' me up with her cereal and multiple ponytails! You are so lucky that she has LOTS of hair to play with. :)

Marla said...

Her hair and Emma's hair...!!!! Jacob looks so much like his daddy just like Josh and Robert. Jacob throwing his pillows, that your personality or Brian's coming out?!!