Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Long Week

This is an eye comparison. Jacob's are a light, aqua blue and Jenna's are a deep, royal blue.

This week has been one of sickness in our (and many of your) house. Jacob started Monday night. I won't go into details...let's just say it was really gross over and over and over. GI bug, ya know. He tossed his cookies I think 5 times during the night and the next day it was all coming out the other end. It only lasted 24hrs thankfully, but it took him a few days to get re-hydrated and get his appetite back.

Jacob getting his energy back

Jenna and Brian had some of the symptoms (south end only) for a few days but they are both better now too. I have NO IDEA how I escaped symptom free unless it's because I work around cootie kids. Watch me get sick tonight!
Jenna getting ready for a walk
Jenna has been lots fussier than usual. I think it's her tummy plus some teething=tired fussy baby. As soon as she sees Jacob she's happy though. That's what they do with her in the church nursery when she gets fussy. They take her across the hall to see Jacob. Isn't that cute?

Grandma has found an assisted living place. She will be moving probably in a few weeks. My dad had "the talk" with her last Friday. She totally agreed and was ready to go. God had to have been working on her for it to be that easy. They went last Sunday to look at a place my parents had already checked out. She loved it and put a deposit down. Now they are just waiting on insurance stuff to go through.

My dad told her to just figure out what she wants to take and he'll take care of the rest. I think they will have an estate sale and take a BIG load to the dump. You know how old people accumulate junk. Well, she's a pro at that. So anyways, I'm sure I'll have to go to her house soon and see if there is anything I want other than the obvious (her china, silver, etc). I don't think anyone else wants that stuff but we'll see. I think they are going to try to rent her town home. It's only a few blocks from my parents house and with the economy how it is, renting seems to be a better option.

Tonight is Brian's last night on evenings, at least for the next 6 months. I am so, so, so excited about him going to days. He'll be home every evening. It's going to be so weird. And him and his best buddy Alex are together (on the same shift AND same side of town) due to a twist of fate so he's super duper excited.

As for me, I'm just tired. Monday night wore me out and I still haven't recovered! Guess I should go to be then, huh!


Melissa said...

I'm so sorry that you all have been sick. I will be praying that you all stay healthy this week and all the little cutie bugs will be gone and go live somewhere else very far away. Your kids are simply beautiful!

Sarah said...

I feel your pain, sister friend! Sick Kids = No Bueno! Hoping your kiddos (and mine) are all better very soon. :)