Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Last Week

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a while-life gets so busy sometimes! I'll try to catch you up on what's been going on.

First of all, I'm going to be an aunt! I can't tell you how excited I am. I have been waiting and waiting for this. Brian's brother's wife is pregnant, due in late June. They live in Arizona now but Chris will graduate in May and they will be moving back to Dallas. It's so awesome that Jacob and Jenna will have cousins! I know Chris and Val will be AWESOME parents!

Now an update on us. I'll start with the bottom and work my way up. Jenna is doing great. She has become a pro at sucking her thumb. I have mixed emotions about this. It's nice that she can soothe herself but it's not like a paci that can be taken away at the appropriate time and age. She is also smiling and cooing tons, loves to sit in her bumbo chair, loves taking baths with her brother, and has gone 7hrs at night several times recently. She gets more and more beautiful every day!

Jacob is doing much better. He was sick for about 9 days. I was talking to one of our docs at work yesterday, telling him about Jacob and he said as long as he is symptom free after 10 days, it's most likely a virus and I did the right thing (according to the American Academy of Pediatrics) by waiting and not starting antibiotics. That's right folks, they recommend waiting 10 days before antibiotics. We barely made it but he really was better on day 10! I hate giving my kids drugs and wait as long as I can before medicating with Rx drugs. I know, I'm so old fashioned!

I am doing well. My allergies are driving me CRAZY but other than that I'm good. I broke down and took a Children's Claritin yesterday at work. That probably explains why I only pumped 8 ounces of milk; I usually get closer to 12oz. So I am now drug free, and seem better today.

Brian's birthday was Sunday. We had a Cowboy's game party. It was fun, mostly because they won. Several people couldn't make it 'cause they were sick, but I appreciate them not contaminating my house! Brian is now 1 away from 5 away from 40. He came up with that, not me! I got him a Romo jersey, and his mom gave him lots of money which he is going to use to buy a new off-duty gun that's a lot smaller than his duty gun.

We did make it to the Fort Worth zoo last Friday. I LOVE the Fort Worth zoo. I could go every week if we lived closer. Jacob had a great time. We took Brian's mom too because she had NEVER been before. I'm not sure how you can raise 3 kids here and never go to that zoo! Jacob's favorites were the parakeet pavilion, the penguins, and the monkeys. My favorite were the lion cubs (I think there were 3 or 4) that were wrestling and playing under mom's watchful eye.

Then, Saturday night we had a real date night! Brian and I went to dinner at SilverFox Steakhouse...yum! I always feel weird about spending that much money on food but it was SO GOOD. We had a good time and the kids had an even better time at MiMi and PaPa's. I think Jacob would rather be there than anywhere else. Brian is the same way. When we were done, he just wanted to go hang out at my parents for a while with the kids. It was a nice, relaxing evening.

Brian is in class all week so he will actually be home for dinner this week! That's all the excitement for now.


Marla said...

u need 2 submit jenna's pic in a photo contest!

Elisha said...

I sure wish we could have made the party!!

Beautiful pictures, as always.

Jenna is getting so big!!

Sarah said...

Jenna has the most beautiful eyes! I'd kill for those long lashes - she's going to save a fortune on mascara one day. :)

Jacob is precious, as usual. I love the father/son pictures!

We love the Ft. Worth zoo, also. We live much closer to it now (since we moved). You'll have to let me know the next time that you are taking the kids out there. We'd love to join you!

PS Selfishly, I am hoping that Drew looks a bit like me. Clayton is such a carbon copy of Wade. :)