Sunday, October 12, 2008

6 years

Happy Anniversary Honey! I know that when you get home tonight you will check the blog so this one's for you!

I feel so honored to be your wife. I still don't know how I got you but I am so thankful that you FINALLY fell for me! I remember the "early days"...all the stress and drama. Isn't it crazy how God has changed hearts and paved the way for us?

Thank you for loving me unconditionally, for loving our kids in a way I didn't think anyone (except my dad) could love their children, and for loving the Lord and keeping Him as the foundation of our lives.

Here are some of the things that drive me crazy, but they are also the things that make YOU you so I have come to love them...

running the dishwasher with 5 or 6 dishes

sleeping diagonally across the bed

opening every last bottle of Gatorade in the fridge before finishing one

putting empty bottles of water or jugs of milk back in the fridge
I took a picture of Brian's infamous empty bottles in the fridge the other night. When he got home he saw the camera on the table and looked through the pictures to see what cute pics I got that day....when he saw this picture he decided to leave me a little note....

He has SUCH a sense of humor!!!

starting a load of wash but then forgetting to put it in the dryer

not turning your socks right side in before putting them in the hamper (that is IF you put them in the hamper

forgetting to closing the baby gate at the top of the stairs

putting things away in the most random places to "get rid of the clutter"

I guess I'll stop for now. Just know that I love you more than anything and I can't wait to see what the next year will bring!


Jenn said...

Happy Anniversary guys! May God bless you with many more happy years together!!

Melissa said...

This blog today is soo funny....just wait till you have been married almost 12 years....they do mellow....

Happy Anniversary to 2 very nice people that we adore!

Elisha said...

Durl does that with the bottles too. What's up with that? LOL

Happy Anniversary!!

Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Here's to many more years of marital bliss.

Wade does the sock thing and I am totally guilty of the water bottle habit. Guess you gotta take the good with the bad. :)

Marla said...

That is so sweet and funny!!!! Happy Anniversary! (By the way Hannah, I tagged you on my blog--go read.)