Friday, June 5, 2009


We're back! We had a wonderful time in the Clearwater region of Florida. It was beautiful. The prettiest beaches in the continental US if you ask me. Jenna and Dada building a sandcastle

Jacob and Brian playing putt-putt.

We were able to spend some time with just me, Brian and Jacob. It was nice to be able to give Jacob 100% of our attention. We spent one day at Disney World's Magic Kingdom. Jacob did so much better than I thought he would. It started off a little rough but once he realized WHY we were waiting in line, things got better. The lines weren't bad. 10-20 minutes mostly. I think Jacob liked the train the best. He also really enjoyed the Dumbo ride, It's A Small World, and the Country Bear Jamboree.

We also played putt-putt one day. That was fun. Jacob helped us get lots of hole-in-ones! But mainly he ran around and chased lizards.
Jenna absolutely loved the beach. That's my girl! I can almost HEAR her squealing in this picture! As soon as we arrived at the beach she would start kicking her legs and squealing. She ate lots of sand (ok, not lots but a good amount) and got plenty of sodium intake by gnawing on shells. She wasn't too sure about he water but would let me hold her and walk out into the water.
Jacob didn't go into the water until the very last day at the beach, go figure! But he still loved digging in the sand, throwing seashells "back to the ocean", chasing the seagulls, and yelling at all of us to "GET OUT THE WATER! GET OUT THE BEACH!" He didn't like for anyone to be in the water. It was funny.

This is me and Jenna standing on a sandbar out in the ocean. She was such a trooper! Lots of missed naps and staying up late. Plus, she got one new tooth the day before we left and another the day after we got there.

Me and Brian on the Pier at St. Petersburg.

The whole gang. Notice Jacob's stick. It went everywhere with us. As soon as we arrived at the condo, he found himself a big stick. That stick traveled to around 5 different beaches and numerous other places. He's such a funny guy!
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Sarah said...

Oooh - looks like you guys had a blast! What a fun family vacation! Glad to hear that the kids did well, and the beach was such a hit. :)

Marla said...

So glad you all had a good time!

cmchrisk said...

What a great looking vacation!