Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beautiful Morning

It was a rare cool, cloudy, beautiful morning yesterday. We took advantage of it until the rain rolled in.

Jacob using his stick to be a "blower man." I think he's going to be a landscape architect when he grows up.

Jenna kept finding stubs of sidewalk chalk. To keep her from trying to eat it, I would show her how to use it. Because it was so short, she had a hard time holding onto it to color. Then I remembered I still had half a box of big chalk! She had lots of fun scribbling!

Jenna figured out how to use the bubble gum machine toy. Here she is putting the gum ball in, the she pushes the lever and catches the ball as it comes out. Smart girl!

Her other new trick is pointing. She will point at something and blab, blab, blab. I think she is going to be a talker!

Jenna also got 3 new teeth this week. Yes, 3. That brings her total to 8. I am hoping she will stop waking up so much now that they are in.

Jacob starting using the potty again yesterday. He had been very anti-potty for the past month or two. He is sick (Jenna gave him a cold) right now so I'm not pushing him but he is doing pretty well. I'm just glad he'll sit on the toilet again! We even made a cake to celebrate!

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1 comment:

Sarah said...

These overcast days sure have been great! A nice break from the heat...

Jenna looks so cute coloring and playing with the gumball machine. Clayton had that same toy. :)

YAY, Jacob! Hang in there, Mama! A fully potty trained boy is just around the corner! I bet that your cake was just what your boy needed to inspire him to use the potty more. Good thinking!