Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quick Update

Hi friends! Sorry I've been going so long in between posts. It's so hard to find time to get on the computer, especially since it's in our room. One day I'll have a laptop. Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Anyway, the kids are wonderful. I keep forgetting to tell you that Jacob's terrible 2's spell is over, at least for now. It lasted around a month, from mid-January through mid-February. I think it was related to lack of sleep. Now he goes down much earlier (books at 7, bed at 7:15) because he still won't take a nap for me (but of course he still naps for my mom). Today is the 3rd day he went to sleep without us in the room with him. We have been working hard on that for the past few weeks (I have been reading a book...that's where I got the early bedtime idea).

Jenna is loving toys that make noise. She clangs the piano, pushes buttons on anything that will produce a sound, etc. She rolls and wiggles to get what she wants. I'm sure crawling is just around the corner.

Brian was bathing her the other day and was cracking up at this "game" she was playing. She was sitting up in the tub, leaning over and splashing the water with her hands. As she would splash, she would try to catch the water in her mouth! What a nut!

We have been so blessed to have had such a healthy last half of the winter. I know the yucky season isn't over yet, but I'm grateful to have had a healthy 6 or 8 weeks!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad to hear that life is going well at the Alcorn household! A 7:15 bedtime = AWESOME

Clayton is just starting to drop his afternoon nap. He only naps on M,W,&F now (non-preschool days). But, he goes to bed at 8:30. Maybe when he drops his naps altogether we can make it earlier. :)

As for the photo of Drew & Clayton... keep in mind that the camera adds 10 lbs! HA!!!