Friday, March 6, 2009

Our Day

Having a girl is too fun! This was before our walk yesterday.

The wind kept blowing Jenna's blanket up! We finally used some of Jacob's wood blocks to hold it down.

We were just hanging out outside on a blanket. It was rather windy which Jenna use to hate but now she doesn't mind. When a big gust would blow, she would stick out her tongue and try to catch it!

As soon as her blanket blew up, then fell back down in her lap she saw...the grass. She was fascinated. She immediately bent over and started feeling it. She would pick at it, then pull a few pieces out of the ground. She tried to eat it, of course. I had hoped that after a quick taste, she would lose interest but not so much.

After outside play, we came in a put Jenna down for her nap which means it's Jacob & Mommy time! I decided to pull out the poster paints I had bought several weeks ago but have been too chicken to use. We were going to take the easel outside but the wind....I decided it wasn't such a good idea. Jacob did a great job, he pained 2 pictures. Both were "dinosaurs." I was putting away the paints and letting him use up the paint on his brushes when I turned around a found him painting his hair!

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After a quick bath, we were looking handsome again. No punk rockers in this house. At least not yet!


Sarah said...

What a fun day! You are so adventurous with the paints - props to you! We played with sidewalk chalk and that was about all the messiness that I could take. HA!

Marla said...

Having a girl is fun! Jacob cracks me up!

Melissa said...

They are adoreable!!