Monday, March 23, 2009

Beautiful Week

It has been so beautiful this past week. We have spent tons of time outside. Jenna loves watching her brother run about. Jacob has turned into stripper boy again. I so thought we were past this stage. Well, we were past it but it's back! Anyways, I quit fighting him on it. I just put sunscreen on his white hiney and let him run!

Jenna is now cutting her second tooth. If you look closely you can see tooth #1 in this picture. Tooth #2 seems to be causing her a lot more discomfort. I wish I could grab it and pull it through her gums. She has been working on this one for over a week! It's right under the gums. When she smiles it looks like she has 2 teeth because the gums are so white where the second tooth is coming in.

This is Jacob watching himself pee. Classic! He was sick with a stomach bug all last week. He kept wanting to take off his diaper but obviously that would NOT be a good idea. Now that he is finally better, I occasionally let him be naked. If we're inside and he's bottomless, he will use the toilet almost all the time. But as soon as he has a diaper or pullup on, he pees in it. So I guess I'll let him be naked until he learns how the whole potty training thing works.

And here is Jacob eating a push-up. He would eat a bit, then give Jackson a few licks off his face, then repeat. Boys! Gotta love em!
When daddy got home he decided Jacob had been too naughty and handcuffed him. Jacob thought is was great!

And a pic of me and my girl. We have busted the sling back out. Since teething she has decided she likes to be held again.

Jenna and her daddy....the girl lights up as soon as he walks into the room. It's precious! She smiles and laughs at him until he picks her up. She follows his voice and does not lose focus on him as long as he is around. There is definitely something special there!
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

Those pictures of Jacob are HYS-terical! They're sure to appear in a senior slideshow or wedding video. HA! And, Jenna is beautiful as always.

P.S. I forgot to mention on Drew's 5 month post that I am still swaddling him for every nap & bedtime! (Crazy, I know.) He wakes up once during the night and fusses because he has come unswaddled. I reswaddle him and he immediately falls right back asleep. I dread breaking him of the whole swaddling thing. I'm sure it is time, though!