Friday, August 28, 2009

What's New?

Jacob starts preschool next week. I can't believe he's old enough for "preschool." It's really Parent's Day Out (PDO) at our church and we are all so excited. We got to meet his teachers last night and they are both super sweet. Many of his classmates are also in his Sunday School class at church so I don't see the adjustment being too difficult.

Jacob has mastered the computer. He can now open Internet Explorer, go to the Favorites tab, scroll down to Jacob, and move the mouse over to select his Batman video. He can open and close windows, adjust the volume, etc.

Jacob naked in the easel. It reminds me of those Anne Geddes pictures!

He has also been playing the Wii a bit. He LOVES to "play Wii games" mainly baseball. I even created him his own Mii. He's too cute!

Jenna has been enjoying all her birthday presents. Her and Jacob scoot around the downstairs on their cars constantly. She has learned how to stand on her car (thanks Jacob) and shares her car well with her brother. She also loves her baby and baby stroller.

She loves to do the log roll and spin around in circles. She thinks shaking her head NO is the funniest thing on earth. She has also mastered petting the dogs. She loves carrying around a book and pretending to read it.

Many people have recently commented on her BIG personality. While it is super cute right now, it makes me wonder what the future might hold.

She still eats more than her brother. Actually, Jacob has been a super finicky eater lately. All of his staple foods (macaroni, hot dogs, turkey sandwiches, cereal bars) he no longer likes at least for the moment. He lives on fruit and scrambled eggs and junk.

Jenna has been using her morning banana as mousse.

The week after Jenna's birthday, I quit feeding her during the night hours. Around 9 months when she cut a bunch of teeth at once, she started feeding earlier during the night. Sometimes 11 or 12. Then, she'd want to eat again around 4 or 5. Twice a night!

Everyone that knows me knows I CANNOT stand to listen to my babies cry. So I'd feed her. I didn't want her keeping Brian up or me for that matter. Well after a full year of not getting a single full night's rest, I said enough is enough. It only took a few days for her to adjust. I know I should have done it 9 months ago but we weren't ready. Brian was such a big help. For 2 or 3 nights in a row he'd get up and rock her back to sleep. He didn't complain about it once!

We are looking forward to the kid's birthday party and Jacob starting school and some other stuff.

Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful family.

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