Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Birthday Princess

Our little princess turned one this past weekend. One YEAR. She's ONE YEAR OLD. I'm still having a hard time processing it.
Posing by her "Happy 1 Jenna" written in sidewalk chalk.

We started the morning with a trip to the donut shop. Jenna had a heart-shaped donut with pink icing and sprinkles. Then it was off to Lowes to drive the race-car cart. Ok, that was more for us but she still loved it. Then home for a nap, then lunch. After lunch we did some shopping. Bought birthday party invitations, Nana's birthday present, then we went to a consignment sale. Bought clothes for the winter, then it was off to Mimi and Papa's house. After some fun play-time with her new pink scooter, it was off to dinner. We had a chocolate-banana cake (from Cafe Brazil) for dessert. Yummo! It was a great day.

At one year:
You are very independent. You like to comb your own hair and brush your own teeth. You also love gabbing on the phone (of any sort-cell, regular, toy, etc).

on the phone (elmo phone)brushing teeth

You run FAST and climb very well.

You love your family. You always know where Bubba is and don't let him get too far from you. You squeal with delight when Dada or Mamma get home from work.

You hold my cheeks and give big open mouth kisses when YOU want a kiss. If Dada or I want a kiss, you turn your head away and grunt. Stinker!

You are beautiful! Strangers stop us often to tell us how beautiful you are, as if we didn't know! You bring joy to strangers often with your big smile.

You eat. And eat. And eat. You don't stop eating. You eat your food, then Bubba's, then ours. How is it you're still so tiny? 18+ lbs at last weight.

We love you so much JenJen Jenna Boo!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! Happy Birthday, Jenna! Man, that was a quick year!

Here's to many, many, many more years of fun, laughter, and joy! :)