Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Pics

With 2 kids to chase, I seem to be too tired to blog these days. Here's a quick recap of our past 2 weeks.

Brian went to a week long school to learn how to be a police bicycle officer. It was pretty intense but he did great. God was so good to bring a cool front that week. By the end of the week he could ride slowly, bend down and pick up a quarter off the ground while still riding. Crazy! Oh, and he can shoot you from his bike too. Just in case you were wondering.

Jenna got an early birthday present. I got it off Craig's List and it's too big to's a Jump and Spin Zebra and she loves it! Oh, and so does Jacob. Thank goodness he's skinny and is well below the weight limit.

Jenna also got her first pair of big girl walking shoes. Size 4.5 Stride Rites - white with light pink soles and stitching (flowers and swirls).

The past week my cousin Karen and her two boys stayed with us. Her oldest, Blake, was in Mav's camp at UTD. It was fun having some company. Jacob called Reece (5) "Josh" all week. He has a friend that's the same age with blond hair named Josh. By the end of the week he was just doing it to be annoying. And he called Karen "MOM" like Reece does. I finally convinced him that she was REECE's mom and I was HIS mom. Then he called her Kierrrrren. He must have said her name a million times. It was really cute. He LOVED her.

We also spent a day with our BF's the Reeds but for some reason it won't let me upload a picture. Jacob and Jolene had a blast. Jenna ran around and sweet baby Jessica loved watching all the madness! That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Tata for now!

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