Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shepard's Kid's

Jacob started Shepard's Kid's (Parent's Day Out) this week. Day 1 went pretty well. He wouldn't take a nap so that was the only "rough" time. They have rest time for well over an hour so it's a loooong time for him to sit quietly on his mat. He cried a little during nap time and told his teachers "Mama and Dada will be here soon."

Check out that backpack! He picked it out himself over Spiderman and Hulk. My kid's got class! "Go Cowboys!" as Jacob would say!

I'm going to give him a month or so to see if he will nap (being that he naps for Mimi and I know he could use the rest). If the peer pressure doesn't work, I may see about picking him up before nap time every day. After nap time they have books/puzzle time then it's pick-up time so he wouldn't really miss anything. We'll see how it goes.

Today, he was a little teary when I dropped him off. He was trying hard to be brave but I could see the sadness in his eyes. It broke my heart a bit but I know once they get started he'll have tons of fun.

Jenna spent Monday night vomiting. And vomiting. And vomiting. It was the most pitiful thing I have ever seen. She woke up at 10pm, right as I was going to sleep. I ignored her for a few minutes thinking she'd go back to bed. She kept fussing so I finally got up. I knew as soon as I walked into her room that she had thrown up. The smell....

As I was cleaning her up she vomited more. After about the 4th onesie change I realized this was going to be a long night and just left her in her diaper. I would drape her with a towel or blanket so I had something to "catch" the vomit with. The poor thing just couldn't stop. She would throw up, fall asleep in my lap, wake up 10second-10 minutes later fussing which was immediately followed by more vomiting. This went on until around 4am. The last several hours were mainly dry heaving since there was nothing left, not even stomach acid.

Thankfully she was better by Tuesday morning. Weak and tired, but no vomiting. We spent the day resting and rehydrating while Bubba was at school. I hope to never ever ever experience that again!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What cute back to school pictures! I know that Jacob is going to love Parents' Day Out! Jenna is going to love having one-on-one time with her Mama, too. :)

Oh poor, Jenna! That recap of her sickness made me so sad! Poor little thing... I'm glad that she is feeling better now.