Monday, September 21, 2009

Baby G

cousin lovin'

Last week we blessed to have a very brief but fun visit from Brian's brother Chris, his wife Val, and my darling nephew Gavin. Brian's sister Heather gave them her frequent flyer miles so they could come visit. Thank you Aunt Heather! They spent several days with Heather in Austin, then they all (including Heather) came up and stayed with us for 2 days until they had to fly home to Arizona.

Aunt Heather, Jacob, Brian, Jenna, Uncle Chris, baby Gavin

They arrived on Jacob's birthday. We went to Peter Piper Pizza for dinner and play, then it was home for cake. The world's ugliest cake, that is. Jacob wanted blue and yellow icing...then I did writing in green. It turned out so ugly! But it tasted really good.

The birthday boy snuck into the ice cream when we weren't looking.

Baby G is 3 months old. What a chunk! He is the juiciest little (big) thing! I'm so glad we were able to see him. Chris graduated in May and just accepted a job last week. Unfortunately, the job is in Arizona. They were hoping to come back to Texas but at least he has a job! PTL!

The weather here has been very, very, very rainy. The past 2 days it has finally stopped but there's more to come tonight. I love the rain but it's hard on the kids, especially Jacob. So, we have gone puddle jumping a few times. We have been searching for a rainbow but it's been too cloudy. We'll have to keep looking.

Work has been crazy. Hello flu season. I leave Thursday for a scrapbook retreat with my Murphy Road girls. I'm very excited and very ready to escape MommyLand for a few days. It will be my first time away from Jenna and the longest time I've been away from Jacob. I'm not sure how well I'll do but I have a feeling the time will fly by. I'll let you know!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I LOVE the name Gavin! My friend's son is named Gavin, so I couldn't use it. :(

Jacob looks so cute licking the ice cream scoop. I love that little mischevious face. Ha!

Have a blast at your scrapbooking retreat! That will be sooo fun! I'm so jealous... ;)