Thursday, January 7, 2010

This and That

This is a random entry of things I keep forgetting to blog.

Jenna loves to sing. Her new favorite song is "Jingle Bells."
She still wakes up every morning requesting "a bow" and often has 2 or 3 or 4 bows in her hair.
She is SUCH an imitator. I remember this phase with Jacob, however with Jenna it's different because she imitates him! Some of my favorites are she slurps just like him when he is drinking down his medicine, she takes big breaths like him while he is doing his inhaler, she even said 'ahhhh' like him while Dr. M was looking in his throat!
She also insists on WALKING down the stairs now. She never would go down backwards. She would scoot down on her butt. However, now she holds on to the wall or stair spindles.

Jacob is still in his independent phase. It's really annoying but I try to go with the flow.

He has to be tucked in every night by Brian. If Brian isn't home, he lets me do it but it's just not the same.
He is OBSESSED with Super Mario Brothers. We got it for the Wii and him and Brian have already beaten the game. He asked me a million times to play "Mario Brudders" when he was sick. It's all I could do to keep him still. When he would get up to play the cough would get worse. He sings all the Mario tunes and speaks the lingo well. Randomly throughout the day he will say "We need to get some stuff so we can go to the castle" or "I have 40 more lives" or "Daddy jumped on that monster good!" or "I got some coins!" and I could go on and on.

I LOVE my babes and can't even remember what life was like before them!

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