Thursday, February 25, 2010


At 18 months, Jenna:
still sucks her (left) thumb

is super silly

is still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen

does EVERYTHING her brother does

eats a TON

loves to talk on the phone "halll-lllo"

just started wearing some 12-18mo clothes

loves the outdoors (unless there's snow!)

is still a snuggle-bug

doesn't stay more posed pictures for now!

loves to read books (favorites are the Baby Signs books, Goodnight Moon, What Does Baby See?)
tells us when she's wet or stinky

had to start her first antibiotic and breathing treatments

talks and sings a lot

is a bit of a drama queen

likes to bug her brother

is a great helper...she helps unload the dishwasher, put the clothes in the dryer, clean up, and her favorite is to throw things in the trash/recycle



Sarah said...

What a cute little 18 month old you have there! She is definitely a pretty little girl, and it sounds like she has a sweet personality to match. :) Happy Half Birthday, Jenna Girl!

cmchrisk said...

awwwww how sweet! Cute pictures too!